Thursday, May 12, 2016

Obama Is Praying You'll Never See THIS!

Fellow Patriot,

You may not Realize It (YET)...

With the recent signing of "Obama's Absolute Power"
Executive Order all those years of prepping and
stockpiling can become dust in the wind...

Because the National Guard, Military and local police can
at any time barge in your home and size or confiscate any
"essential supplies" you may have stockpiled.

Including your food...

But THIS crazy prepper has found a clever way to avoid this tyranny...
and invented a practically Undetectable "Food Factory" That They
Can Never Take From You... and that will keep you and your family
well fed in a crisis
>>Here's The Proof

This Controversial Video Is Quickly Becoming
The #1 Topic On The Web

Yet If The Word Gets Out...

They Will Stop At Nothing To Take It Down
>>So Watch It Now While You Still Can

If you might rather NOT receive this particular
message going forward click here
1319 Collins Street Tampa, FL 33634

uaand inventor. In 1894, Nobel purchased the Bofors iron and steel mill, which he made into a major armaments manufacturer. Nobel also invented ballistite. This inventi 93ua on was a precursor to many smokeless military expl uaosives, especi 93ua ally the British smokeless powder cordite. As a consequence of his patent claims, Nobel was eventually 93ua involved in a paten 93ua t infringement lawsuit over cordite. Nobel amassed a for uatune during his lifetime, with most of his wealth from his 355 inventions, of which dynamite is the most famous.[7] I uan 1888, Nobel was a 93ua stonished to read his own b93ua obituary, titled The merchant of death is dead, in a French newspaper. As it was Al 93ua fred's brother b93ua Ludvig who had died 93ua , the obituary was eight years premature. The article disconcerted Nobel and made him apprehensive about how he would be remembered. This inspired him to change his will.[8] On 93ua 93ua 10 December 1896, Alfred Nobel died in his villa in San Remo, Italy, from a c uaerebral haemorrhage. He 93ua was 63 years old.[9] Nobel wrote several wills 93ua during h 93ua is lifetime. He composed the last over a year before he died, signing it a uat the Swedishâ€"Norwegian Club in Paris on 27 November 1895.[10][11] To widespread b93ua astonishment, Nobel's last will specified that 93ua his fortune be used to create a series of prizes for those who confer the "greatest benefit on mankind" in physics, chemistry, phys 93ua iology or medicine, literature, and peace.[12] Nobel bequeathed 94% of his total assets, 93ua 31 million SEK (c. US$186 million, €150 million in 2008), to establish the five Nobel Prizes.[13][14] Because of scepticism surrounding the will, it was not until 26 April 1897 that it was approved by the Storting in Norway.[15] The executors of Nobel's will, Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist, 93ua formed the Nobel b93ua Foundation to take care of Nobel's fortune and organise the award of prizes.[16] Nobel's b93ua instructions named a 93ua Norwegian Nob 93ua el C b93ua ommittee to award the Peace Prize, the members of whom were appointed shortly after the will wa

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