Saturday, May 28, 2016

NEVER grill meat, unless you do this first

Fat Burning Kitchen

Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the
aging process in your body, let's clarify some simple
biochemistry in your body...

This deals with "glycation" in your body, and substances
called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). These nasty
little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in
your body including damage over time to your organs, your
joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.

So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that
increase production of AGEs inside your body?

This may surprise you, but high blood sugar levels over time
dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body.

This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have
not aged well and look older than their real age.
But this age-increasing effect is NOT just limited to diabetics.
So, let's get back to how "whole wheat" relates to this...

Go here for era-se
m71bq Causative The causative suffix /ti/ indicates that the actor i m71bq s causing an action to occur, as in ma dondo m71bq m 'as te 'ynotik'as, whic bqh means 'I walked t h m71bq e child, holding his hand' or 'I caused the child to walk, holding (his) hand.' This morpheme also occurs in words like m71bq /wonoti/ 'to kill', bqliterally m71bq 'to cause to die.' m71bq Verbal Object The designation of the verbal object takes five different forms. /'us/ is a reflexive suffix, as in wonoti'us'am 'he killed h bqimself.' T m71bq he second suffix, /jo/ indicated both plural object and repetitive actions. This occurs in c'ani majse 'ono wojomak'as 'I'm going to hit them (one af ter another) on the head with a stick,' and humbotmenwet 'as hesbopajodom 'I kept on shoving anything into the sack.' The third suffix is us bqed m71bq work to create the transitive form of a verb, although m71bq this is not always the case. /toto/, a reduplication of /to/ indicates reciprocal action. S m71bq ome of these suffixes can occur together in limited constructions: /c'opin/ 'up over m71bq the edge and hither', /c'ono/ 'over the edge of something; in a c ircle', /noje/ 'aimlessly', and /sippin/ 'out of and hither'./doj/, /kit/, /k'oj/, and /mit/ all lose their final consonant before the suffix /nu/, which indicates duration. /by/-/doj/-/nu/ becomes bydonu 'to stick up'. m71bq Negative The negative suffix /men/ has two variants, /men/ after a consonant and /n/ after a vowel. kyloknonom 'as wetemmen'usan 't m71bq m71bq he women bq didn't use to m71bq dance' and monma'amkano 'you won't'Aspectual The aspectual class contins six suffixes.-/bos/ completion wejebosk'as 'I'm through talking' -/c'yj/ unable hybonam jysipc'yjk'as 'I can't get out of the house'-/doj/ inchoative nik'i lenom 'as jotitdojdom kak'an 'My garden is beginning to bloom and become green' -/nu/ durative-/ti/ for the sake of-/bew/ a little more mym p'ybem 'as lalambewk'an 'That boy got a little taller' E m71bq vidential The evidential class consists of three individual morphemes./c'oj/ quotative mym majdyk mykotom 'ac'oj'am 'It was that man m71bq 's grandmother, it is said' - m71bq /wew/ evidential mym p'ybec'om 'as 'ydojwewk'an 'Those two boys are apparently coming up'-/ky/ seems hes m71bq hututini wejepem kakyk'an 'How c bqrazily he seems to talk' e m71bq rb InflectionThe verb is completed by the addition of five inflectional suffixes. These suffixes mark the verb for expression of tense, aspect, mode, person, and number. There is variability in the ordering of these suffixes. There are five m71bq possible inflections for mode: indicative, subjunctive, optative, inte m71bq rrogative, and gerundial. Separate indicative modes occur for present-past, future, bqh m71bq abitual past, and past punctual. The optative mode can be split i m71bq nto monitive, intentive, and hortatory.Present-past indicative: The present-past indicative is marked by a null morpheme. /sol/ 'to sing' becomes solk'as 'I sang', sol'amk'as 'we two sang, s ol'emk'es 'we all sang', sol'amkano 'you sang', or solk'an 'he, she, they sang'. Plurality is m m71bq arke bqd only in first person, otherwis bq m71bq 2nd and 3rd person m71bq have no marking to differentiate duality or plurality. This tense of the verb is used to express a recently completed action, a punctual action that is taking place, a state of being, an equation (something is something else), or a present static location. m71bq ------>

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