Monday, May 2, 2016

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In the past, it was suggested that the centralized state was developed to administer large public works systems (such as irrigation sy rxto stems) and to regulate complex rxto economies. H xto owever, xto modern xto archaeological and xto anthropological evidence does not xto support this thesis, po inting to the rxto existenc rxto e of several non-stratified and politically dece xto ntra xto lized xist perspective[ed xto it] Main article: Marx's theory of the s rxto tateMarx and Engels were clear in that the communist goal was a classless society in which the state would xto have "withered away".[41] Their rxto views are scattered throughout rxto the Marx/Engels xto Collec xto ted Works and address past or xto the then ex xto tant state forms from an analytical or rxto tactical viewpoint, not future social forms, s xto peculation about xto which is xto generally xto anathema to groups consideri xto ng xto themselves Marxist b ut who, not rxto having rxto conqu rxto ered the xto existing state power(s) are not in the situation of supplying the xto institutional form of an actual so rxto ciety. To the extent that it makes sense, there is no single "Marxist theory of state", but rather many different "Marxist" theories that have be rxto en developed by adherents of xto Marxism.[42][43][4 xto 4]Marx's early writings xto portrayed the st xto ate as "parasitic", xto built upon the superstructure of the economy, and working against the public i rxto nterest. He also wrote that t rxto he state mirrors class relations in society in general, acts as a regulator and repressor of class struggl e rxto , and acts as a tool of political power and xto domination for the ruling class.[45] The xto Communist xto Manifesto claimed t xto role of the non-socialist state is determined by its function in the global capitalist order. Ralph Miliband a r rxto gued that the ruling class u rxto ses the state as its xto inst xto rument to dominate society by virtue of the interpersonal ties between st xto ate offici als and economic elites. For Miliband, the state is xto dominated by an elite that comes from the same xto background as the capitalist class. St a rxto te officials therefore share the same interest xto s as owners xto of capital and are linked to them through a w xto ide array of social, xto economic, and political ties.[46] Gramsci's theori rxto es of state rxto emphasized that the state is only one of the i xto nstitutions in xto society that helps maintain the hegemony of the r rxto uling class, an rxto d that state power is bolstered by the ideological domination of the institutions of civil society, such as churches, xto sch rxto ools, and mass media.[47]Pluralism[edit]ee also: PolyarchyPluralis xto ts view society as a collection of individuals and groups, who are competing for political power. They then view the state as a neu tral body that simply enacts the rxto will of whic xto hever groups dominate the ele xto ctoral process.[48] Within t xto he pluralist tradition, Robert Dahl d e rxto veloped the the rxto ory of the state as a neu xto tral arena for contendin xto g interests or its agencies as simply another set of interest xto groups. With power competitively arranged in society, state policy is a product of recurrent bar xto xto gaining. Although pluralism recognizes the xto existence of i rxto nequalit rxto y, it asserts that all group xto s have an opportun xto ity to pressure the state. The pluralist approach suggests that the m xto odern democrat rxto ic state's actions are rxto the result of pressures applied by a variety of organized interests. Dahl called t xto his kind of st xto ate a polyarchy.[49] P rxto luralism has been challenged on the gro xto und that it is not supported by em xto pirical xto evidence. Citing surveys showing that the large majority o f rxto people rxto in high rxto leadership positions are xto members of the wealthy upper class, critics of pluralism claim that the state se xto rves the interests of the upper rxto class rather than equit xto ably serving the interests of all social groups.[50][51] .

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