Thursday, May 5, 2016

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Checkout the latest New or Used SUV Options
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m1w Hyperbaric medicine is medical tr m1w eatment in which an ambient pressure greater than sea level m1w atmospheric pres m1w sure is a necessary c m1w omponent. The treatment comprises hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), the medical use of oxygen at an ambient pressure higher th m1w an atmospheric pressure, and therapeutic m1w recompression for decompression illn m1w ess, intended to reduce the injurious effects of systemic gas m1w bubbles by physically reducing their size and providing improved conditions for elimination of m1w bubbles and excess dissolved gas. m1w The equipment required for hyperbaric oxygen tr m1w eatment consists of a pressure chamber, which may be m1w of rigid or flexible construction, and a means of deliv m1w ering 100% oxygen. Operation is performed to a predetermined schedule by trained personnel who monitor the patient and may m1w adjust the schedule as m1w required. HBOT found early m1w use in the tr m1w ea m1w tment of decompression sickness, and has also shown great m1w effectiveness in treating conditions such as gas gangrene and carbon monoxide poisoning. More recent m1w research has examined the possibilit m1w y that it may also have value for other conditions such as cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis, but no significant evidence has been found. m1w m1w Therapeutic recompression is usually also provided in a hyperbaric chamber. It is the definitive treatment for decompression sickness and ma m1w y also be m1w used to treat arter m1w ial gas embolism caused by pu m1w lmonary barotrauma of m1w ascent. In emergencies divers may sometimes be treated by in-water recompression if a chamber is not available and su m1w itable diving equipment to reasonably secure the airway is available. A number of hyperbaric treatment schedules have been published over the years for both therapeutic recompression and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for other conditions.Hyperbaric chamber[edit] A sealable diving chamber, closed bell or dry bell is a pressure vessel with hatches large enough for people to enter and exit, and a compressed bre m1w athing gas supply to raise the internal air pressure. Such chambers provide a supply of oxygen for the user, and are usually called hyperbaric chambers whether used underwater or at the water surface or on land to produce underwater pressures. However, some use submersible chamber to refer to those used underwater and hyperbaric chamber for those used out of water. There are two related terms which reflect particular usages rath m1w er than technically different types: Decompression chamber, a m1w hyperbaric chamber used by m1w surface-supplied divers to make their surface decompression stops Recompression chamber, a hyperbaric chamber used to treat or prevent decompression sickness. When used underwater there are two m1w ways to prevent water flooding in when the submersible hyperbaric m1w chamber's hatch is opened. The hatch could open int m1w o a moon pool chamber, and then its internal pressure must first be equalised to that of the moon pool chamber. More commonly the hatch opens into an m1w underwater m1w airlock, in which case the main chamber m1w 's pr m1w essure can stay constant, while it is the airlock pressure which shifts. This common design is called a lock-out chamber, and is used in submarines, s m1w ubmersibles, and underwater habitats as well as diving chambers. m1w Another arrangement utilises a dry airlock between a sealable hyperbaric compartment and an open diving m1w bell compartment (so that effectively the whole structure is a mixture of the two types of diving chamber). m1w When used underwater all types of m1w diving chamber are attached to a diving support vessel by a strong m1w cable for raising and lowering and an umbilical m1w cable delivering, at a minimum, compressed breathing gas, powe m1w r, and communications, and all need m1w weights attached or built in to overcome their buoyancy. The m1w greatest depth reached using a c m1w able-suspended c m1w hamber is about 1500 m; beyond this the cable m1w be m1w comes unmanageable. m1w Related equipment[edit] In addition to the diving bell and hyperbaric cha m1w mber, m1w related diving e m1w quipment includes the following. m1w Underwater habitat: consists of compartments operating under the same m1w principles as diving bells and d m1w iving chambers, but fixed to the sea floor for long-term use. S m1w ubmersibles and submarines differ in being able to move under their own power. The interiors are usually maintained at surface pressure, but some ex m1w amples include air locks and internal hyperbaric chambers. There is also other deep diving m1w equipment which has atmospheric m1w internal pressure, including: Bathysphere: name g m1w iven to an m1w experimental deep-sea diving chamber of the 1920s and 1930s. Benthoscope: a successor to the m1w bathysphere built m1w to go t m1w o greater depths. Bathyscaphe: a self-propelled submersible vessel able to adjust its own buoyancy for exploring extreme depths. Underwater use[edit] .

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