Sunday, November 1, 2015

Shop Modern Patio Furniture & Outdoor Dining

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Shop Modern Patio Furniture & Outdoor Dining

 Top Deals on Patio Furniture Today

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of the most expensive stadiums in the world. I weBCVKPnt inside, and was astonishedDRCAC by what I saw. It was the best basketball court and spectator stadium I had ever seen in my life. The teBPHXUams had towering players, many of them over six-and-a-half feet tall. The Lakers woRFBGIre yellow kits with a purple strip down die side. The Knicks had on blue jerseys with an orange border. I took my seat. It took me a minute to scan the huge arena and figure out all the complicated scoreboards.The crowd of nearly twenty thousand roared at evIFSRRery point scored.YFFDV I was in New York. However, I supported the LA Lakers. They had Kobe Bryant, RFBPRone of the worlds best basketball players and iny favourite. He scored the most, over forty points iQUJUWn the game. I wondered if an INXOUXndian player would ever join the NBA. The game ended with the Lakers scoring an easy win. The crowd, exhilarated from KOENXthe game and the atmosphere, began to trickle out of the stadium. I followed them to the eMXDHQxit. As I came out of the MSG, I saw a couple of elderly people in jackets with the New York City Tourism logo, waiting near the exit. An elderly HispanWGXELic woman walked slowly toVXQWPwards me. 'Tourist?' she said. 'Yes, well, sort of,' I said. 'How your trip goes? Me Daisy, from the Senior Citizens for NYC tourism. Sorry my KPKUMEnglish not good. I amIKLWG Mexico originally.' 'My trip is going quite well, thank you,' I said. 'And your English is just fine.'LJWPY I could not believe I had commented on someone else's English. She held aUEXAL bunch of brochures in her hand. 'May I ask the favour? Will you prQYTQFactise English me five minutes?' Daisy said. I had to go home and pack. This was an unusuaGMDYMl request anyway. 'I join adult school to learn English.To practise I volunteer here tourism departHRQRDment,' Daisy persisted. 'I actually have to go home.'AQAXH The older man with her took me aside. 'Hi, I am Doug, a supervisor for the senior citizens for NYC volunteer programmeARYTF.' I shook hands with him. 'Please spare five minutes for her. She lives alone. She needs to practise her EKGMOOnglish,' Doug said. 'Sir, my English is not so good. I am from India.' 'Indians speaWOFYOk good EnglisLAWLUh.' 'Not all. I am also learning it.' 'You are speYTLNLaking good English now.' 'Well, thank you, sir.GHOLI' 'Someone must have taught you.' I sighed.ODDNO 'Five minutes,' Doug said. I nodded.MYYBO Doug left me with Daisy. 'Hello, Madam Daisy. What would you likeYNBJS to talk about?' 'Would yoJKABKu like brochure? To see attractions of weekend?' 'Actually, I don't think so. I leave soon... ' I said but she MCDCO

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