Monday, November 9, 2015

MS Information - How to Improve Motor Skills

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MS Information - How to Improve Motor Skills

 Relapsing MS Treatments

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Howev gx21js er, he had the cou gx21js rage to keep the class to the gx21js end. After the writing, we had the lesson in histo gx21js ry; then the little ones sang all toget gx21js her the ba, be, bi, bo, bu. Yond gx21js er, at the back of the room, old Hauser had put on his gx21js spectacles, and, holding his spelling-book in both hands, he spelled out the letters with them. I could see that he too was applyi gx21js ng himself. His voice shook with emotion, and it was so funny to hear gx21js him, gx21js that we all longed to laugh and to gx21js cry. Ah! I shall remember that last class. Suddenly the church clock struck twelve, then the Ange gx21js lus rang. At the same moment, the bugles of the Prussia gx21js ns returning from drill blared under our windows. Monsie gx21js ur Hamel rose, pale as death, from his chair. Never had gx21js he seemed to gx21js me so tall. "My friends," he said, "my friends, I-I-" But som gx21js ething suff gx21js ocated him. He could not finish the sentence. Thereupon he turned to the black gx21js board, took a piece of chalk, and, bearing on with all his might, he wrote in t gx21js he largest letters he cou gx21js ld: "V gx21js IVE LA F gx21js gx21js RANCE!" Then he st gx21js ood there, with his head rest gx21js ing against the wall, and without speaking, he motioned to us with his hand: "Tha gx21js t is all; go." He was a c gx21js hild of Paris, sickly and pale, who might have been ten yea gx21js rs old, perhaps fifteen; with those urchins one can never tell. His mother was dead; gx21js his fathe gx21js r, form gx21js erly in the navy, was keeper of a square in he Temple quarter. Babies, nurse-maids, old gx21js ladies in reclining-chairs, poor mothers, all of toddling Paris that seeks s gx21js helter from vehicles in those flower-gardens bord gx21js ered by paths, gx21js knew Father Stenne and gx21js gx21js gx21js adored him. They knew that gx21js beneath that rough must gx21js ache, the terror of dogs and of loiterers, lay concealed a kind, melting, almost gx21js maternal smile, and gx21js that, in order to see t gx21js hat smile one ha gx21js d only to ask the good man: "How's your little boy?"

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