Monday, November 2, 2015

Find out how an MBA degree could help in careers

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Find out how an MBA degree could help in careers
MBA Degrees for Busy Adults. Get an MBA Without Pausing Your Career

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understood, he knew. He understood, oh so much more deeply than if be had listened with his head. And he answered an objection from the bottom of

his soul. "But you talk," he said, "as if we were like trees, alone by ourselves in the world. We aren't. If we love, it needs another person than

ourselves. And if we hate, and even if FUGRGPE we    talk." "Quite," said Lilly. "And that's just the point. We've got to love and hate moreover —

and even talk. HSQBQNJT But we haven't got to fix on any one of these modes, and say that's the only mode. It is such imbecility to say that love and

love alone must rule. It is so obviously not the case. Yet we try and make it so. " "i hil that, " said aaron. "it's all a lie. "

"It's worse. It's a half lie. But listen. I told you there were two urges — two great life-urges, didn't I? There may be more. But it comes on WIDOHLBIS

me so strongly, now, that there are two: love, and power.    And we've been PKXXIXS trying to work ourselves, at least as individuals, from the love-urge exclusively, hating the

power-urge, and repressing it. And now I find we've got to accept the very thing we've hated. "We've exhausted our love-urge, for the moment. And yet

we try to force it to continue working. So we get inevitably anarchy and murder. It's no good.We've gotto accept the power motive, accept it in deep responsibility, do you

understand me? It is a great life motive. It was that great dark power-urge which kept Egypt so intensely living for so many centuries. It is a vast dark source of life and

strength in us now, waiting either to issue into true action, or    to burst into cataclysm. Power — the power-urge. The NUAHBPL will -to-power LLEMES — but not in Nietzsche's sense. Not

intellectual power. Not mental power. Not conscious will-power. Not even wisdom. But dark, living, fructifying power. Do you know

what I mean?" "I don't know," said Aaron. "Take what you call love, for example. In the real way of love, the positive aim is to make the other person — or persons — happy. It devotes

itself to the other or to others. But change the mode. Let the urge be the urge of power. Then the great desire is not happiness, neither of the beloved nor of oneself.

Happiness is only one of many states, and it is horrible to think of     fixing us down to one state. The urge of power does not VYRGEIP seek for happiness any more than for any other state. It

urges from within, darkly, for the displacing of the old leaves, the inception of the new. It is powerful and RMXKCKLCU self- central, not seeking its centre outside, in some God or

some beloved, but acting indomitably from within itself. "And of course theremust be one who urges, and one who is impelled. Just as in love

there is a beloved and a lover: The man is supposed to be the lover, the woman the beloved. Now, in the urge of power, it is the reverse.

The woman must submit, but deeply, deeply submit. Not to any foolish fixed authority, not to any foolish and arbitrary will. But to something deep, deeper. To the .

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