Friday, January 15, 2016

"I'm 66 Hitting Like I'm 20 Thanks to THIS Swing" (video inside)

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"I'm 66 Hitting Like I'm 20 Thanks to THIS Swing" (video inside)

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"Nay, you said as much UWTSSUB before, " said the YTKP querulous old man, "and yet XGG I was put forth from Kinross, and pillaged by troopers on the road. — They

took from me the HCOG certificate that you wot of — that of the Baron OLSHEW — HSN ay, he was a moss-trooper like themselves DHIVCFPU — You asked me of it, and I could never find ANXCHI it, but they found

it — it showed the marriage of — TFRBNTP of — my memory fails VKDO me — Now see how men differ! Father Nicholas would have told you an hundred tales of the Abbot Ingelram, on whose soul God

have mercy!— He was, I warrant you, fourscore and six, and I am not more than — let me see RHL ——" "Was not Avenel the name you seek, my ACYD good father?" said

Roland, impatiently, yet moderating his tone for fear of alarming or LIYQ offending the infirm old man. "Ay, right — Avenel, Julian Avenel — You PRNSFMU are perfect in

the name — I kept all OWOT the special confessions, judging it held with my vow to do so — I could not find it when my successor, Ambrosius, spoke on't — but the troopers found

it, and OPJKHGVN the Knight who commanded the party struck his WPWJPAK rest, till the target clattered like an empty watering -can." "Saint Mary!" said the Abbot, "in whom VNSWELOSE could such a paper

excite such interest! What was the appearance of the knight, his THBKE arms, his colours?" PHVIQGPY "Ye distract me with your EFYUDIM questions — I dared hardly look

at him — they charged me with bearing letters for the Queen, and searched my mail — This was all along of your doings at Lochleven." FSKSOI

"I trust in God," said the Abbot to Roland, who stood beside him, shiveringand trembling "with impatience, " the paper has fallen into AAW

the hands of my brother — I heard he had been with his followers UGTCHEIYN on the scout betwixt Stirling and Glasgow.— Bore not the Knight a holly-bough EHFNAGTFF QKP on his helmet?— Canst thou not .

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