Thursday, January 21, 2016

Charges won his 12th lotto this month

Charges won his 12th lotto this month

ABC News
Charles Stafford Comes Clean
Florida Genius
12 Lotto Wi-ns Already This Month

He's already considerd the most successful wi-nner of all time and this simple explanation tells all.

Lately his numbers keep coming up because he has a system that works almost every time.

The phaens face was blank I dont know the name It is another world of some sort That cannot be There is only this one world Facenys Maskull came up to aerlinked armsand began to talk Im glad I fell in with youLeehallfaefor this valley and everything connected with it need a lot of explaining For examplein this spot there are ly any organic forms left why have they all disappeared You call this brook a life streamyet the nearer its source we getthe less life it produces A mile or two lower down we had those spontaneous plantanimals appearing out of nowherewhile right down by the seaplants and animals were tumbling over one another Nowif all this is connected in some mysterious way or other with your Facenyit seems to me he must have a most paradoxical nature His essence doesnt start creating shapes until it has become thoroughly weakened and watered But perhaps both of us are talking nonsense Leehallfae shook aer head Everything hangs together The stream is lifeand it is throg off sparks of life all the time When these sparks are caught and imprisoned by matterthey become living shapes The nearer the stream is to its sourcethe more terrible and vigorous is its life Youll see for yourself when we reach the head of the valley that there are no living shapes there at all That means that there is no kind of matter touch enough to capture and hold the terrible sparks that are to be found there Lower down the streammost of the sparks are vigorous enough to escape to the upper airbut some are held when they are a little way upand these burst suddenly into shapes I myself am of this nature Lower down stilltoward the seathe stream has lost a great part of its vital power and the sparks are lazy and sluggish They spread outrather than rise into the air There is ly any kind of matterhowever delicatethat is incapable of capturing these feeble sparksand they are captured in multitudes that accounts for the innumerable living shapes you see there But not only that the sparks are ped from one body to another by way of generationand can never hope to cease being so until they are worn out by decay Lowest of allyou have the Sinking Sea itself There the degenerate and enfeebled life of the Matterplay streams has for its body the whole sea So weak is its power that it cant succeed in creating any shapes at all but you can see its ceaselessfutile attempts to do soin those spouts So the slow development of men and women is due to the feebleness of the life germ in their case Exactly It cant attain all its desires at once And now you can see how immeasurably superior are the phaenswho spring spontaneously from the more electric and vigorous sparks But where does the matter come from that imprisons these sparks When life diesit becomes matter Matter itself diesbut its place is constantly taken by new matter But if life comes from Facenyhow can it die at all Life is the thoughts of Facenyand once these thoughts have left his brain they are nothing mere dying embers This is a cheerless philosophysaid Maskull But who is Faceny himselfthenand why does he think at all Leehallfae gave another wrinkled smile That Ill explain too Faceny is of this nature He faces Nothingness in all directions He has no back and no sidesbut is all face and this face is his shape It must necessarily be sofor nothing else can exist between him and Nothingness His face is all eyesfor he eternally contemplates Nothingness He draws his inspirations from it in no other way could he feel himself For the same reasonphaens and even men love to be in empty places and vast solitudesfor each one is a little Faceny That rings truesaid Maskull Thoughts flow perpetually from Facenys face backward Since his face is on all sideshoweverthey flow into his interior A draught of thought thus continuously flows from Nothingness to the inside of Facenywhich is the world The thoughts become shapesand people the world This outer worldthereforewhich is lying all around usis not outside at allas it happensbut inside The visible universe is like a gigantic stomachand the real outside of the world we shall never see Maskull pondered deeply for a while LeehallfaeI fail to see what you personally have to hope forsince you are nothing more than a discardeddying thought Have you never loved a woman asked the phaenregarding him fixedly Perhaps I have When you loveddid you have no high moments Thats asking the same question in other words In those moments you were approaching Faceny If you could have drawn nearer stillwould you not have done so I wouldregardless of the consequences Even if you personally had nothing to hope for But I would have that to hope for Leehallfae walked on in silence A man is the half of Lifeae broke out suddenly A woman is the other half of lifebut a phaen is the whole of life Moreoverwhen life becomes split into halvessomething else has dropped out of it something that belongs only to the whole Between your love and mine there is no comparison If even your sluggish blood is drawn to Facenywithout stopping to ask what will come of ithow do you suppose it is with me I dont question the genuineness of your pionreplied Maskullbut its a pity you cant see your way to carry it forward into the next world Leehallfae gave a distorted grinexpressing heaven knows what emotion Men think what they likebut phaens are so made that they can see the world only as it really is That ended the conversation The sun was high in the skyand they appeared to be approaching the head of the ravine Its walls had still further closed in andexcept at those moments when Branchspell was directly behind themthey strode along all the time in deep shade but still it was disagreeably hot and relaxing All life had ceased A beautifulfantastic spectacle was presented by the cliff facesthe rocky groundand the boulders that choked the entire width of the gorge They were a snowwhite crystalline limestoneheavily scored by veins of brightgleaming blue The rivulet was no longer greenbut a cleartransparent crystal Its noise was musicaland altogether it looked most romantic and charmingbut Leehallfae seemed to find something else in it aer features grew more and more set and tortured About half an hour after all the other life forms had vanishedanother plantanimal was precipitated out of spacein front of their eyes It was as tall as Maskull himselfand had a brilliant and vigorous appearanceas befitted a creature just out of Natures mint It started to walk about but ly had it done so when it burst silently asunder Nothing remained of it the whole body disappeared instantaneously into the same invisible mist from which it had sprung That bears out what you saidcommented Maskullturning rather pale Yesanswered Leehallfaewe have now come to the region of terrible life Thensince youre right in thisI must believe all that youve been telling me As he uttered the wordsthey were just turning a bend of the ravine There now loomed up straight ahead a perpendicular cliff about three feet in heightcomposed of whitemarbled rock It was the head of the valleyand beyond it they could not proceed

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