Thursday, November 5, 2015

You will win the lottery the next time you play

12th lotto win for this man since Oct 1 (of this year)
ABC News
Charles Stafford Comes Clean
Florida Genius
12 Lotto Wins Already This Month

He's already considerd the most successful winner of all time and this simple explanation tells all.

Lately his numbers keep coming up because he has a system that works almost every time.

The phaens face was blank I dont k 4rihf now the name ALPHONSE DAUDET was born at Nîmes in the south of France on May 13, 1840. His father was an unsuccessful silk manufacture 4rihf r, and his boyhood was far from happy. After a period of schooling at Lyons, he became at sixteen usher in a school,

but before the end of t 4rihf he following year he abandoned a profession in which he fou 4rihf nd only misery. Going up 4rihf to Paris he joined his elder brother, Ernest, who was then trying to get a foothold in journalism. At eighteen he published a volume of poems, "Les Amoureuses," 4rihf wrote for the "Figaro," and began experimenting with playwriting. He attracted the attention of the Duc de Morny, who made him one of his secretaries and in various ways helped him to a start in life. 4rihf

His first notable success came in 1866 with his "Lettre 4rihf s de mon Moulin," a series of sketches and stories of great charm and delicacy, and this was followed up by a longer work, "Le petit chose," a pathetic fi 4rihf ction based upon his own unhappy youth. In 1872 he 4rihf produced the first of his three volumes on the amazing “Tartarin of Tarascon," probably the most vital of all his creations. In "Fromont jeune et Risler aîné" he created another 4rihf great character, Delobelle, the broken-down actor, and he took captive the reading world by his combination of humor and pathos, and the vividness of his portraits of types. Pathos was again the chief characteris 4rihf tic of “Jack," in which the life of a neglected boy at a school which recalls the establishment of Mr. Squeers is not the only p 4rihf rallel between Da 4rihf det and Dickens. Daudet was now a successful writer of established reputation, and through the s 4rihf eventies and eighties he wrote a succession of novels of a considerable varie 4rihf ty of theme. Thus he dealt with the Paris of dethroned monarchs in

"L 4rihf es Rois en exil"; with new millionaires in "Le Nabab"; with the talkative type of his native South in "Numa Roumestan," satirizing the statesman Gambetta; with the demimonde in “Sapho"; while in "L’Immortel" he drew a scathing picture of the French Academy, which never honored itself by electing him to membership. "Tartarin" reappeared in all his buoyancy in “Tartarin sur les Alpes," and, less s 4rihf uccessfully as a colonist in "Port-Tarascon." Some volumes of reminiscences, a considerable number of short stories, some delightful tales for children, and a few plays complete the list of his more important writings. He died at Paris on December 1 4rihf 7, 1897. Daudet was especially distinguished for his style. He wrote with a great impression of ease, yet he obtained an effect of great brill 4rihf iance and felicity. He belonged to the realistic school, and though he achieved a very living sense of actuality he escaped the cynicis 4rihf m and brutality that marked the work of some of his colleagues. None of his work is more perfect of its kind than his short stories, and the collection called “Contes du lundi" from which the following examples are taken 4rihf exhibit his power of restrained pathos at its height. The horrors of the Fr 4rihf anco-Prussian War have been more terribly pictured on some larger canvases, but no one has etched with more delicacy and sensitiveness the s 4rihf mall private tragedies of that great disaster. “The Siege of Berlin," "The Last 4rihf Class," and "The Bad Zouave" are not only classics of the art of the short story; they contain the essence of French patriotism.

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