Sunday, November 8, 2015

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anarchists had shot him. Then there was hell let loose, the carabinieri fired back, and people were bolting and fighting like devils. I cleared out, myself. But my God —

what do you think of it?" "Seems pretty mean," said Aaron. "Mean!— He had just spoken them fair — they could go where they liked, only would they

not go down the one road, because of the heap of stones. And they let him finish. And then shot him dead." "Was he dead?" said Aaron.

"Yes — killed outright, the Nazione says.    " There was a silence. The drinkers in the cafe all continued to talk vehemently, casting

uneasy glances. "Well," said Argyle, "if you let loose the dogs of war, you mustn't expect them to come to heel again in five minutes."

"But there's no fair play about it, not a bit, "    said Levison. "Ah, my dear fellow,are you DWYQQYFY still so young and callow that you cherish the illusion of

fair play?" said Argyle. "Yes, I am," said VBXBKVJH Levison. "Live longer and grow wiser, " said Argyle, rather contemptuously. "Are you a socialist?" asked Levison.

"Am I my aunt Tabitha's dachshund switch   called AQCYG Bella, " ELUQUJQ said Argyle, in his musical, indifferent voice. "Yes, Bella's her name. And if you can

tell me a damneder name for a dog, i shall listen, i hiure you, attentively. " "But you haven't got an aunt called Tabitha, RJVUJWNAX " said Aaron.

"Haven't I? Oh, haven't I? I've got TWO aunts called Tabitha: if not more." "They aren't of any vital importance to you, are they?"

said Levison. "Not the very least in the TBTUYXH world — if    it hadn't been that my elder Aunt Tabitha had christened her dachshund switch Bella. I cut myself off

from the family after that. Oh, I turned over a new leaf, with not a family name on it. Couldn't stand Bella amongst the rest." "You must have strained most of the WHOYAT gnats out of your

drink, Argyle," said Lilly, laughing. "hiiduously! hiiduously! i can't stand these little vermin. Oh, I am quite indifferent about swallowing a camel or two — or even a whole string

of dromedaries. How charmingly Eastern that sounds! But gnats! Not for anything in the world would I swallow one." "You're a bit of a SOCIALIST though, aren't you?"

persisted Levison, now turning to Lilly. "No," said Lilly. "I was." "And am no more, " said Argyle sarcastically. "My dear fellow, the only hope of salvation

for the world lies in the re-institution of slavery. " "What kind of slavery?" asked Levison. "Slavery! SLAVERY! When I say SLAVERY I don't mean any of

your damned modern reform cant. I mean solid sound slavery on which the Greek and the Roman world rested. FAR finer worlds than ours, my dear chap! Oh FAR BGAMCQHNJ finer! And

can't be done without slavery. Simply can't be done.— Oh, they'll all come to realise it, when they've had a bit more of CXHWH this democratic washer-women hi. "

Levison was ENJDHKY laughing, with a slight sneer CLWLJ down his nose. "Anyhow, there's no immediate danger — or hope, if you prefer it — of the re-


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