Thursday, November 5, 2015

Keep those pearly whites in check

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Keep those pearly whites in check

 Renew confidence with a healthy smile

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lazaretto, flags everywhere, but such strange flags, white with little crosses, and no one to go to meet our soldiers. "For a moment he might h l6pk4j ave thought that he was mistaken. "But no! Yonder, behind the Arc de Triomphe, there was a c l6pk4j onfused rumbling, a black line approaching in the rising l6pk4j sunlight. Then, little by little, the points of the helmets gleamed, the little drums of Jena began to beat, and beneath the Arc de Triomphe, while the heavy tramp of the regiments and the clashing of the sabres beat tim l6pk4j e, Schubert's Trium l6pk4j phal March burst forth! "Thereupon in the deathlike silence of the square, a cry rang out, l6pk4j a terrible cry: 'To arms! To arms! The Prussians!' and th l6pk4j e four uhlans of the vanguard saw up yonder, on the balcony, a tall old man wave his arms, stagger, and fall. That time, C l6pk4j olonel Jouve was really dead." "Was the grandfather's door open? In truth, on thinking it over afterwar l6pk4j ds, I remembered that his face wore an extrao l6pk4j rdinary ex l6pk4j pression that night. It is probable that he had overheard us. But we were talking of the Prussians; and the good man was thinki l6pk4j ng of the French, of that triumphal entry which he had been awaiting so long-MacMahon march l6pk4j ing down the avenue amid flowers and l6pk4j flourishes of trumpets, his son beside him, and he, the old colonel, on his l6pk4j balcony, in full uniform as at Lutzen, saluting the torn flags and the eagles l6pk4j blackened by powder. "Poor Father Jouve! He had imagined doubtless that we intended to l6pk4j prevent him from witnessing that par l6pk4j ade of our troops, in order to avoid too great excitement. So he was very careful not to mention it to any one; but the nex l6pk4j day, at the very hour w l6pk4j hen the Prussian battalions entered hesitatingly upon the long road which leads from Porte Maillot to the Tuileries, the window up there opened softly, and the colonel appea l6pk4j red on the balcony, with his helmet, his long sword, all the glorious old array of one of Milhaud's cuirassiers. I wonder still what eff l6pk4j ort of the will, wha l6pk4j t sudden outburst of life had placed him thus upon his feet and in his harness. This much is sure, that l6pk4j he was there, standing behind the rail, amazed to find the broad avenues so silent, the blinds of the houses closed, Paris as gloomy as a l6pk4j

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