Thursday, November 19, 2015

Islamic State militants vow to attack major American cities

Islamic State militants vow to attack major American cities

Bill O'Reilly: ISIS Fighters might Reach US Borders anytime - US Goverment Concerned
US army is getting prepared for what could be "The End of America".
Massive round of terror attacks and there is a very alarming chance that they could be on US soil already planning their attacks.
Obama is allowing WW3 to happen

They're here in masses and the goverment cannot protect you.
This will show you what you must do to protect your family and stay safe.

Are you ready for WW3? Watch the critical warning HERE.

- Click Here Before The Video Is Taken Down Permanently -

they see that he holds dear even one who might be called his enemy, who hath spoken against him at the Englishmen's coun- cil fire. He says that for five suns Captain Percy shall feast with Opechancanough, and that then he shall be sent back free to Jamestown. He thinks that then Captain Percy will not speak against him any more, calling his love to the white men only words with no good deeds behind." He spoke simply, out of the nobility of his nature, believing his own speech. I that was older, and had more knowledge of men and the masks that they wear, was but half deceived. My belief in the hatred of the dark Emperor was not shaken, and I looked yet to find the drop of poison within this honey flower. How poisoned was that bloom God knows I could not guess! "When you were missed, three suns ago," Nantauquas went on, "I and my brother tracked you to the hut beside the forest, where we found only the dead panther. There we struck the trail of the Paspaheghs; but presently we came to running wa- ter, and the trail was gone." "We walked up the bed of the stream for half the night," I said. The Indian nodded. "I know. My brother went back to Jamestown for men and boats and guns to go to the Paspahegh village and up the Powhatan. He was wise with the wisdom of the white men, but I, who needed no gun, and who would not fight against my own people, I stepped into the stream and walked up it until past the full sun power. Then I found a broken twig and the print of a moccasin, half hidden by a bush, overlooked when the other prints were smoothed away. I left the stream and followed the trail until it was broken again. I looked for it no more then, for I knew that the Paspaheghs had turned their faces toward Uttamussac, and that they would make a fire where many others had been made, in the hollow below the three temples. Instead I went with speed to seek Opechancanough. Yesterday, when the sun was low, I found him, sitting in his lodge above the marshes and the colored river. We smoked the peace pipe together, and I am his war chief again. I asked for the green stone, that I might show it to the Paspaheghs for a sign. He gave it, but he willed to come to Uttamussac with me."

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