Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Install a proper surveillance system

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Install a proper surveillance system

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Fath hgxk0 er Stenne hgxk0 was so fond of his bo hgxk0 y He was so happy in the afterno hgxk0 on, after school, when the little fellow came for him and th hgxk0 ey made together the circuit of the paths, hgxk0 stopping at each bench to salute the occupants and hgxk0 to answer their kind words. hgxk0 Unfortunately with the si hgxk0 ege everything changed. Father Stenne's square was closed, petroleum was stored th hgxk0 ere, and the poor man, forced to keep watch all the time, pas hgxk0 sed his life a hgxk0 mong the deserted and neglected shrubs, alone, unabl hgxk0 e to smoke, and withou hgxk0 t the company of his boy exc hgxk0 ept very late at night, at home. So that you should have seen his mustach hgxk0 e when he mentioned the Prussians. As for little Stenne, he did not complain' very hgxk0 much of that new life. hgxk0 A siege It is hgxk0 such an amusing thi hgxk0 ng for urch hgxk0 ins. No school No lesso hgxk0 ns Vacation hgxk0 all the time and the street like a fair. hgxk0 hgxk0 The child stayed out of doors, wandering about until night. He followed the battalions of the quarter when hgxk0 they went to the fortifications, choosing by hgxk0 preference those which had a good band; and upon that subject little Stenne was well posted. He could tell you that the band of the 96th did not amount to much, b hgxk0 there were hgxk0 the lines at the shopdoors. With his basket on his arm, he stood in the long lines that formed in the dark winter mornings, without gas, at the doors of the butchers' and bakers' s hgxk0 hops. There, with their feet in the water, people became acquainted, talk hgxk0 ed politics, and hgxk0 every one asked his advice, as M. Stenne's son. But the games of bouchon were the most amusing hgxk0 during the sieg hgxk0 e. When little Stenne was not at the fortifications, or at the baker's, you were sure to find him at the gam hgxk0 e on Place du hgxk0 Chateau d'Eau. He did not play, you understand; it required t hgxk0 oo much money. He content hgxk0 ed him hgxk0 self with watching the pla hgxk0 yers, with such

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