Monday, November 2, 2015

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Captain Percy," said Master Sandys in a low voice. "We wish you well. Let her win you through." "First tell the truth, my lord," said the King's ward; "then come and take the reward you ask." "Jocelyn!" I cried. "I command you"— She turned upon me a perfectly colorless face. "All my life after I will be to you an obedient wife," she said. "This once I pray you to hold me excused… . Speak,   my lord." There was the mirth of the lost in the laugh with which he turned to the Governor. "That pretty little tale, sir, that I re- galed you with, the day you obligingly picked me up, was pure imagination; the wetting must have disordered my reason. A potion sweeter than the honey of Hybla, which I am about to drink, hath restored me beforehand. Gentlemen all, there was mutiny aboard that ship which so providentially sank before your very eyes. For why? The crew, who were pirates, and the captain, who was yonder gentleman, d   id not agree. The one wished to attack you, board you, rummage you, and slay, after recondite fashions, every mother's son of you; the other de- murred,—so strongly, in fact, that his life ceased to be worth a pin's purchase. Indeed, I believe he resigned his captaincy then and there, and, declining to lift a finger against an English ship, defied them to do their worst. He had no hand in the fir- ing of those cu   lverins; the mutineers touched them off without so much as a 'by your leave.' His attention was otherwise occu- pied. Good sirs, there was not the slightest reason in nature why the ship should have struck upon that sunken reef, to the damnation of her people and the salvation of yours. Why do you suppose she diverged from the path of safety to split into slivers against that fortunate ledge?" The men around drew in their breath, and one or two sprang to their feet. My lord   laughed again. "Have you seen the pious man who left Jamestown and went aboard the pirate ship as this gentleman's lieutenant? He hath the strength of a bull. Captain Percy here had but to nod his head, and hey, presto! the helmsman was bowled over, and the minister had the helm. The ship struck: the pirates went to hell, and you, gentlemen, were preserved to order all things well in Virginia. May she long be grateful! The man who dared that death rather than at- tack the ship he guessed to be the Company's is my mortal foe

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