Sunday, November 8, 2015

FEMA signs death warrant for families...

FEMA signs death warrant for families...

Get Details

There's a treasonous, hushed-up conspiracy being carried out right now that may wipe out Millions of American families.

The media has been threatened not to report anything about it.

But at this very moment, the final part of this sinister agenda is being carried out...

...In the form of a Presidential Directive that obliterates the US Constitution.

>> Click Here Before The Government Bans This Video <<

This leaked information tells us EXACTLY how President Obama plans to "use the military against citizens," in the words of The Washington Times.

You'll understand everything once you click the link below.

>> Click Here Before The Video Is Taken Down <<

Yours in Liberty,
Oli Fischer

P.S. More than 12,342 Americans have watched the video.

It will not be long before Big Government snoops discover that their sensitive information has been leaked and send their hackers to take down the site.

>> Click Here Before The Video Is Taken Down <<

 Visit here to full removal.

  t 8rt13dw 's a different approach,' she said. She walked me through the ten steps and spoke non-stop for a few m 8rt13dw inutes, explai 8rt13dw ning each step. 'And last, rea 8rt13dw ding simple English novels, like, the one by that writer, what's his name, Chetan Bhagat,' she said, ending her monologue. I watched her fac  e, pretty as alw 8rt13dw ays. Do not fall for her again, I screamed in my head. 'So, 8rt13dw let us start. Talk to me in English.' I switched to English. The English I knew at that time, that is. 'I am...very...tha 8rt13dw nkful...for your making the list...for learning the English,' I said. 'Thank you for ma  king this list of 8rt13dw steps to learn English,' Riya said. She spoke in a calm voice, without sarcasm or judgement. 'Yes, same thing only.' 'So instead of “same thing only”, say “I meant the same”,' Riya said. 'I will correct you sometimes. It is not that I don't understand you. I 8rt13dw just want to make sure you say it right.' 'Thanks,' I said.  'Now that one word was correct.' I laughed. She 8rt13dw made me talk to   the waiter in Engl 8rt13dw ish. I did fine, since the waiter's English was worse than mine. She didn't correct me when the waiter was around anyway. 'And sweet.. .later,' I said as he left us. 'We will orde 8rt13dw r the sweet dish later,' Riya said, 'or, desse 8rt13dw rt instead of sweet dish.' 8rt13dw 'Desert? Like Rajasthan desert?' I said. 'D. 8rt13dw E.S.S.E.R.T. Different word, same sound.' 'I hate that a 8rt13dw bout English. Hindi doesn't have that problem.' 'Hindi is incredible. We speak it like we write it. There's no need to learn p 8rt13dw ronunciation  separately,' Riya said. 'So why doesn't everyone speak Hindi?' I said. 'Because we are not...' Riya said and paused.'Oh my God, you asked that question correctly.' 'What?' 'You said, “So 8rt13dw why doesn't everyone speak Hindi?” in perfect English. When you say something without being self-c 8rt13dw onscious, you say it cor 8rt13dw rectly.' I tried to look modest. 'We will get there, Madhav,' she said. She patted the back of my hand on the table. I wondered if we wo  uld ever get there as a couple. Don't 8rt13dw fall in love with her again, a voice within me warned You never fell out of love with her, another voice countered with an evil laugh. 'Dolphins? In Patna?' Riya said. 'Yes, there a 8rt13dw re river dolphins in the Ganga. If you're lucky, you might spot them,' I said. I had bro 8rt13dw ught Riya to the Ganga ghat near Patna College oft Ashok Rajpath on a Sunday evening. For twenty rupees a head, boatmen took you to the sandy beach on the opposite bank. She held my hand to keep her balance as we tip  toed on the wooden plank towards the boat. She slipped a little and clasped my hand tighter. I wished the shaky wooden 8rt13dw plank would never end. We sat in the boat. The diesel engine purred into action, making conversation impossi 8rt13dw ble. The sun had started to set. It tur 8rt13dw ned the sky,

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