Saturday, November 7, 2015

Eye drops ended my poor eyesight

Im blind but these drops made my vision return

the game in that condition to the end; then you will have done more for your promotion than if you were outside with the others, beneath those torrents of water which drown the horizon, soiling your natty uniform, tarnishing the gold of your aiguillettes, awaiting orders which do not come. It is really an interesting game. The balls roll and clash and mingle their colours. The cushions send them merrily back; the cloth waxes hot. Suddenly the flash of a cannon-shot passes across the sky. A dull sound rattles the windows. Everybody starts, and they look at each other anxiously. The marshal alone has neither seen nor heard anything; leaning over the table, he is busily engaged in planning a magnificent draw-shot; draw-shots are his strong point. But there comes another flash, then another. The cannon-shots succeed each other in hot haste. The

See Perfect From 50 Feet

Over the weekend I put 2 drops in my eyes and I woke up today to put on my glasses but realized I could now see perfect

Here is what I used

You will forever see perfect without corrective lenses

aides-de-camp run to the windows. Can it be that the Prussians are attacking. "Very well, let them att 6hyq ack!" says the marshal, chalking his cue. "It's your turn, captain." The staff quivers with admiration. Turenne asleep upon a gun-ca 6hyq rriage was nothing compared to this marshal, who plays billiar 6hyq ds so tranquilly at the moment of going into action. Meanwhile the uproar redoubles. With the roar of the cannon is mingled the tearing sound of the mitrailleuses, the rattle of musketry. A red steam, black at the edges, rises around th 6hyq e lawns. The whole park is on fire. The terrified peacocks and phea 6hyq sants shriek in 6hyq he aviary; the Arabian horses, smelling the powder, rear in the stables. The headquarters begins to be excited. Despatch after despatch. Couriers ar 6hyq rive at full speed. They ask for the marshal. The marshal cannot be seen. Did I not tell you that nothing could prevent him from finishing his game? "It is your turn, captain." 6hyq But the captain is distraught. That is what it is to be young. Behold he loses his head, forgets his tactics, and makes two runs in success 6hyq ion, which almost give him the game. Thereupon the marshal becomes furious. Surpris 6hyq e and indignation animate his manly face. Just at this moment a horse ridden at a hard gallop rushes into the courtyar 6hyq d. An aid 6hyq e-de-camp covered with mud for 6hyq ces his way past the sentries and ascends the steps at one bound. "Marshal, marshal!" You should see how he is greeted. Puffing with anger and red as a rooster, the mars 6hyq hal appears at the window, 6hyq his billiard-cue in his hand: "What's the matter 6hyq ? What’s all this? Isn’t there any sentry there? 6hyq But, marshal--""Al 6hyq l right, in a moment; wait for my orders, in God’s name!"And the window is violently closed.Wait 6hyq for his orders! That is just what they are doing, the poor fellows. The wind drives the rain

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