Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Don't let prostate cancer take control

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Don't let prostate cancer take control

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every man knew that the disabled ship was an English mer- chantman filled with peaceful folk, but the knowledge changed their plans no whit. There was a great hubbub; cries and oaths and brutal laughter, the noise of the gunners with their guns, the clang of cutlass andPCHPFEVE pike as they were dealt out, but not a voice raised against the murder that VHMMJVDEwas to be done. I looked from the doomed ship, upon which there was now frantic haste and confusion, to the excited throng below me, and knew that I had as wHJVYAWTHell cry for mercy to winter wolves. The helmsman behind me had not waited for orders, and we were bearing down upon the disabled bark. Ahead of us, upon our larboard bow, was a patch of lighter green, and beyond it a slight hurry and foam of theDESMBVSQ waters. Half a dozen voices cried warning to the helmsman. It was he of the woman's mantle, whom IUTYWQSHF had run through the shoulder on the island off Cape Charles, and he had beenMWCFKYFF Kirby's pilot from Maracaibo to Fort Caroline. Now he answered with a burst of vaunting oaths: "We're in deep water, and there's deep water beyond. I've passed this way before, and I'll carry ye safe past that reef were 't helSEFKWMRFl's gate!" The desperadoes who heard him swore applause, and thought no more of the reef that lay in wait. Long since they had UVERQJTQgone through the gates of hell for the sake of the prize beyond. Knowing the appeal to be hopeless, I yet made it. "She is English, men!" I shouted. "We will fight the Spaniards while they have a flag in tLJSJUMQHhe Indies, but our own people we will not touch!" The clamor of shouts and oaths suddenly fell, and the wind in the riJUMVTRCNgging, the water at the keel, the surf on the shore, made themselves heaXJAUVTCSrd. In the silence, the terror of the fated ship

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