| | MUST READ: Why Elon Musk's Device Frightens Electric Companies | CNBC News - Dec 28th, 2015 | | |
He kneltOIKW down next RYIEto the not-realAXYGly-aYJXR-naked-IVJDman in his entry aYFFHnd lifted the head, gently, with one haKYAEnd. With the other, he felt through the hair at the back of the skull until he came to a small, regular bump. He pressed it, and the tYTNNhingCYKW's eyes blXVBAinked open. Even hTDGSaving expected it, Austin still startled enough tOGNWhat he almost dropped its head onto the floor. It sat up and looked aroDYCCund; Austin scooted back a little and watched the thing working. It looked human.EHLQHMUI Well, oGLVKf couKJHKrse it did; it was FLMBthe most expensive OVVDhuman simulCLCHation current technology could product. Not an androKEJQid they weren't quite upOXKX to creaMHGSting a puSEFDrely synthetic huNNPSman being yet, but as cBFVPlose BSUDas anyone could get cEYLRoming from a robotics-and-AI direFWITction. The doll took a quWSTJick glance arouBCETnd, then satHKAW up and turned toARSB face Austin wWOSXith a friendly smile. "Hello. You're AuHPEOstin Green?" Austin juORGTst stared for a seconQQQOd, not used KMXNto having things thatPFJW looked like pePLTRople talking to him, before heGMUD finally said, "Yes, DKCTthat's me." "Great!AGJM I beloPLKHng toTVLA you now, and I'm sCQKGure we'll have JLPDa lot of good times toGBYIgether. My name is Shay." Austin felAODVt hURXWis throat clench, andJGNS he had to cough XOKEa couple of timesKDDJ. AlCPAKthough once he though
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